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Box 1, 1949-2012

 File — Box: B344.0001
Identifier: B344.01.0001


Folders contain biographical information, an oral history, and articles about Jack Greenwald. Material subject matter includes Judaism, anti-Semitism, Jewish education, the State of Israel, and Jewish organizations such as Beth Joseph Congregation, the Colorado Section of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, the Hillel Academy Day School, and the Colorado Zionist Federation.


  • 1949-2012



0,5 Linear Feet (legal document box)

Scope and Contents

From the Series:

Series 1 of 5 consists of 2 legal file folders containing biographical information, artiticles, and clippings about Jack Greenwald. There are also two copies of an oral history with Jack Greenwald on DVDs.

Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository

2150 East Evans Avenue
Denver CO 80208
(303) 871-3428