Jack Greenwald was born in Columbus, Ohio on June 14, 1928, the youngest son of Rabbi Yekusiel Yehudah Greenwald. His parents and two brothers immigrated from Sighet, Hungary (now Romania) to New York in 1924. In 1925, the family relocated to Columbus, Ohio, where Rabbi Greenwald became Rabbi of Beth Jacob Congregation. Jack Greenwald moved to Denver in September of 1946 for his health. He received a Bachelor of Science Law Degree in 1950 and a juris doctor in 1952, both from the University of Denver. While a student at DU he was President of the Hillel Foundation. He was a practicing attorney in Denver from September 15, 1952 until his retirement on October 31, 2003. He authored several editions of the "Liens and Claims." Greenwald was president or chairman of at least 16 different Jewish organizations in Denver from 1948 through 2007, including Beth Joseph Congregation, the Hillel Academy Day School, the Colorado Zionist Federation, and was the founding President of the Rocky Mountain Hebrew Academy.
Found in 18 Collections and/or Records:
Identifier: B344.05
Series consists of two folders with dinner journals honoring Jack Greenwald. The organizations honoring Jack Greenwald are the Hillel Academy (1974), the Rocky Mountain Hebrew Academy (1991), East Denver Orthodox Synagogue (1999), and the Denver Academy of Torah (2010).
Identifier: B344.01
Scope and Contents
Series 1 of 5 consists of 2 legal file folders containing biographical information, artiticles, and clippings about Jack Greenwald. There are also two copies of an oral history with Jack Greenwald on DVDs.
Identifier: B344.01.0001.0001
Folder contains biographies, curriculum vitae, correspondence with the Colorado Bar Association concerning Jack Greenwald, and an oral history with Jack Greenwald.
File — Box B344.0001: Series B344.01; Series B344.02; Series B344.03; Series B344.04; Series B344.05 [Barcode: U186022263713]
Identifier: B344.01.0001
Folders contain biographical information, an oral history, and articles about Jack Greenwald. Material subject matter includes Judaism, anti-Semitism, Jewish education, the State of Israel, and Jewish organizations such as Beth Joseph Congregation, the Colorado Section of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists, the Hillel Academy Day School, and the Colorado Zionist Federation.
File — Box B344.0001: Series B344.01; Series B344.02; Series B344.03; Series B344.04; Series B344.05 [Barcode: U186022263713]
Identifier: B344.02.0001
Contains editorials, correspondence, and letters to the editor written by Jack Greenwald. Material subject matter includes anti-Semitism, Israel, and Palestinians.
File — Box B344.0001: Series B344.01; Series B344.02; Series B344.03; Series B344.04; Series B344.05 [Barcode: U186022263713]
Identifier: B344.03.0001
Series 3 of 5 consists of 1 legal file folder containing correspondence to and from Jack Greenwald. Correspondants include Rabbi Stanley M. Wagner, law firms and attorneys, KCNC television, politicians, and synagogues. The subject matter includes congratulatory correspondence and correspondence and news article about the lawsuit by Rabbi Gershon Wimer against Bowman Biscuit Company. The Bowman Biscuit had assured Rabbi Wimer that there was no animal fat in the cookies. When that turned out...
File — Box B344.0001: Series B344.01; Series B344.02; Series B344.03; Series B344.04; Series B344.05 [Barcode: U186022263713]
Identifier: B344.04.0001
One folder containing various notices and speeches concerning Jack Greenwald and his second Bar Mitzvah when he was eighty-three. There are three speeches Jack Greenwald honoring his father Rabbi Harav Yekusiel Yehuda Greenwald. Jack Greenwald's first speech was in 2003 when he was about to be seventy-three. Attached to the speech is All The Laws of Mourning written by Rabbi Greenwald in 1947. The second speech was the observation of the 50th Yahrzheit (memorial) of Rabbi Greenwald, and the...
File — Box B344.0001: Series B344.01; Series B344.02; Series B344.03; Series B344.04; Series B344.05 [Barcode: U186022263713]
Identifier: B344.05.0001
Box contains of two folders with dinner journals honoring Jack Greenwald. The organizations honoring Jack Greenwald are the Hillel Academy (1974), the Rocky Mountain Hebrew Academy (1991), East Denver Orthodox Synagogue (1999), and the Denver Academy of Torah (2010).
Identifier: B344.03
Series 3 of 5 consists of 1 legal file folder containing correspondence to and from Jack Greenwald. Correspondants include Rabbi Stanley M. Wagner, law firms and attorneys, KCNC television, politicians, and synagogues. The subject matter includes congratulatory correspondence and correspondence and news article about the lawsuit by Rabbi Gershon Wimer against Bowman Biscuit Company. The Bowman Biscuit had assured Rabbi Wimer that there was no animal fat in the cookies. When that turned out...
Identifier: B344.03.0001.0004
Series 3 of 5 consists of 1 legal file folder containing correspondence to and from Jack Greenwald. Correspondants include Rabbi Stanley M. Wagner, law firms and attorneys, KCNC television, politicians, and synagogues. The subject matter includes congratulatory correspondence and correspondence and news article about the lawsuit by Rabbi Gershon Wimer against Bowman Biscuit Company. The Bowman Biscuit had assured Rabbi Wimer that there was no animal fat in the cookies. When that turned out...