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Patient records

Subject Source: Local sources

Found in 4354 Collections and/or Records:

Adolph Schkolnick's Application for Admission to JCRS, 1911 October 9

Identifier: B002.01.0104.0165.00001
Abstract Application form of Adolph Schkolnick for admission as a patient to the Jewish Consumptives' Relief Society. He was age 35 at the time of the application. He was born in Russia and immigrated to the United States in 1905. He lived in New York City when he contracted tuberculosis. He had been sick for one year upon his arrival to Denver, Colorado. He was married and had three children. His occupation states he worked as a laundry man. He was in the Baley Seton Hospital in New York before...
Dates: 1911 October 9

Anna Rosenberg's Application for Admittance to JCRS, 1911 August 8

Identifier: B002.01.0104.0131.00001

Anna Rosenberg's handwritten application for admittance to JCRS. Includes information such as age (38), and place of birth (Ostrova). She was married and had two children, and her nearest relatives were her husband and brother in Boulder, Colo. The backside is blank.

Dates: 1911 August 8

Application for Lena Greenberg to JCRS, 1906 February 12

Identifier: B002.01.0097.0115.00002
Abstract Application for admittance to JCRS filled out by hand for Lena Greenberg and is dated Feb 12, 1906. Information on the form includes his age, birth place, occupation, residence, marital status, children's ages, nearest relatives, and signed Lena Greenberg.The back of the form has sections titled "Report of Medical Advisory Board" and "Report of Executive Committee," both are blank. The middle section of the back is a form filled out by hand. It reads, "No. 191, Case # 107 (crossed out)...
Dates: 1906 February 12

Application for Nathan Rabinowitz to JCRS, 1905 November 20

Identifier: B002.01.0097.0091.00004
Abstract Application for admittance to JCRS filled out by hand for Nathan Rabinowitz and dated Nov. 20, 1905. Information on the form includes his age, birth place, occupation, residence, marital status, nearest relatives, and signed by Nathan Rabinowitz. The back of the form has sections titled "Report of Medical Advisory Board," blank, and "Report of Executive Committee," blank. The middle section of the back is a form filled out by hand. It reads, "No. 157, Case #88, Application of Nathan...
Dates: 1905 November 20

Application from Beckie Moses to JCRS, 1905 December 21

Identifier: B002.01.0097.0101.00003
Abstract Application for admittance to JCRS filled out by hand for Beckie Moses and dated December 21, 1905. Information on the form includes her age, birth place, occupation, residence, marital status, nearest relatives, and signed in Russian. The back of the form has sections titled "Report of Medical Advisory Board," and "Report of Executive Committee," blank. The middle section of the back is a form filled out by hand. It reads, "Application No. 173, Case No. 102, Application of Beckie Moses, Dec...
Dates: 1905 December 21

Application from Joseph Braverman to JCRS, 1905 August 5

Identifier: B002.01.0097.0067.00002
Abstract Application for admittance to JCRS filled out by hand for Joseph Braverman and dated August 5, 1905. Information on the form includes his age, birth place, occupation, residence, marital status, nearest relatives, and signed Joseph Braverman. The back of the form has sections titled "Report of Medical Advisory Board," blank, and "Report of Executive Committee," blank. The middle section of the back is a form filled out by hand in ink. It reads, "No. 118, Case #59, Application of Joseph...
Dates: 1905 August 5

Application from Reuben Morosky to JCRS, 1905 August 16

Identifier: B002.01.0097.0071.00002
Abstract Application for admittance to JCRS filled out by hand for Reuben Morosky and dated August 14, 1905. Information on the form includes his age, birth place, occupation, residence, marital status, nearest relatives, and signed in Yiddish. The back of the form has sections titled "Report of Medical Advisory Board," blank, and "Report of Executive Committee," blank. The middle section of the back is a form filled out by hand. It reads, "No. 128, Case #63, Application of Reuben Morosky, Aug....
Dates: 1905 August 16

Application from William Schaffer to JCRS, 1905 December 18

Identifier: B002.01.0097.0099.00002
Abstract Application for admittance to JCRS filled out by hand for William Schaffer and dated December 18, 1905. Information on the form includes his age, birth place, occupation, residence, marital status, nearest relatives, and signed by William Schaffer. The back of the form has sections titled "Report of Medical Advisory Board," and "Report of Executive Committee," blank. The middle section of the back is a form filled out by hand. It reads, "Application No. 170, Case No. 97, Application of...
Dates: 1905 December 18

Application of A. Aisenberg to JCRS, 1906 September 7

Identifier: B002.01.0097.0204.00001
Abstract Application for admittance to JCRS filled out by hand for A. Aisenberg and is dated Sep 7, 1906. Information on the form includes his age, birth place, occupation, residence, marital status, children's ages, nearest relatives, and signed A. Aisenberg. The back of the form has sections titled "Report of Medical Advisory Board" and "Report of Executive Committee," both are blank. The middle section of the back is a form filled out by hand. It reads, "No. 305, case 257, Application of A....
Dates: 1906 September 7

Application of A. Siegel to JCRS, 1905 October 28

Identifier: B002.01.0097.0080.00003
Abstract Application for admittance to JCRS filled out by hand for A. Siegel and dated Oct. 28/05. Information on the form includes his age, birth place, occupation, residence, marital status, nearest relatives, and signed by A. Siegel. The back of the form has sections titled "Report of Medical Advisory Board," blank, and "Report of Executive Committee," blank. The middle section of the back is a form filled out by hand. It reads, "No. 143, Case #80, Application of A. Siegel. Oct. 28/05, Date of...
Dates: 1905 October 28