Found in 36 Collections and/or Records:
Advertisement, 1911
Xerox copy of 1911 advertisement.
Advertisement Examples (Not GBSDA)
File contains examples of different dance advertisements, likey used to help delevop ads for the Gwen Bowen School of Dance Arts.
Advertisement Pamphlets
This series includes file folders of materials relating to the administrative processes of the Gwen Bowen School of Dance. Materials include correspondance, invoices, marketing and publicity items and other miscellaneous items.
Advertisement Postcards
File contains postcards sent out by the Gwen Bowen School of Dance Arts for advertisement purposes.
Advertisement Sketches
File contains various sketch ups of advertisement ideas for the Gwen Bowen School of Dance Arts.
Advertisements, Catalogs, and Indexes, 1971-1984
This series contains advertisements, catalogs, and indexes from folk dance record companies.
Advertisements Rates and Information
File contains materials related to the cost and other information about advertising.
Articles, Ads and Biographical Information, 1917-2015
The file contains newspaper articles and ads for the Chicago Hide, Fur, and Wool House. It also has biographical information on George D. Bercu and the Mistachkins and an obituary for Dorothy Bercu Gross. George Bercu married Olive Mistachkin, arranged probably through correspondence of the families.
Bercu Sisters Advertisements, 1925-1936
The collection includes papers, records, correspondence, photographs, photograph albums, scrapbooks, newspapers and newspaper clippings, framed photographs, documents, quilts and needlework, Vaudeville costumes and instruments, books, and record albums.
Box 1: Programs and Clippings, 1958
This box contains programs, advertisements, and newspaper clippings from plays directed by Jerry Rumley. In this box are these materials from the 1958 production of Thorton Wilder's "Our Town" at the Virginia Museum Theatre, and the 1958 production of George Bernard Shaw's "Major Barbara" at the Virginia Museum Theatre.