Notes (Documents)
Found in 1173 Collections and/or Records:
Source Article 7/2004, 2004 June 1-July
This folder contains a copy of The Source with an article about the impending opening of the Chambers Center.
Space, Place, Community - 4/28/99, 1999 April 28
This folder contains a document written by Michele ''Mike'' Bloom and Sally Muller about space, place and community at the Women's College.
Speeches and Notes, 1960
Speeches made by Rosenbaum at the United Nations, speech before Brooklyn Manhattan Trial Counsel Association, notes for speeches, and commentaries on some of the sessions.
Sq. Footage Calculations Chambers, circa 2000
This folder contains a table of square footage calculations for the Chambers Center.
Staff Retreat TWC W. Strickland, 3/10/98, 1998 March 10
This folder contains documents concerning a staff retreat taken in 1998.
Student Handbook 2006 - 2007, 2007 June 15
This folder contains a CD-ROM copy of the Women's College student handbook, and a few documents pertaining to admissions processes.
Student Work, 1960
File contains assortment of student course work and assignments done at DU Lamont School of Music by students of Waldo Williamson.
Study Skills Workshop 2000 - 2001, 2000 June 12-2001 September 18
This folder contains academic study skills workshop workbook and evaluation forms.
Summary Zoning Application, 4/5/02, 2002 April 5
This folder contains the summary for the new zoning application for the Chambers Center.
Table Showing Connections of Benedict Arnold Mentioned in the Text
Table Showing Connections of Benedict Arnold Mentioned in the Text. Shows a family tree of Benedict Arnold, with notations by Helen Chadwick.