Notes (Documents)
Found in 1173 Collections and/or Records:
Project Meetings/Notes 12/2002, 2002 December
This folder contains project meeting notes concerning the Chambers Center from December of 2002.
Proposal for Model Program - Women's Educational Equity, 1982, 1982
This folder contains a proposal for a model of educational equity for women. Though women surpassed men in quantity, this document seeks to propose ways of removing institutional hurdles that make the learning environment more difficult for women.
Proposal for Name Change - TWC 4/6/93, 1993 April 6-June 4
This folder contains the formal documentation of the name change from The Weekend College to The Women's College of the University of Denver.
Pueblo, 1923-1954
Offprints, notes, papers
Quinn Memo re: Girls Count, 7/31/01, 2001 July 31
This folder contains a memo about the closing down of Girls Count and what it would mean to the Chambers Center project.
Rachofsky Polish State Archives and Documents, 1854 - 2007
Documents from Poland, Jewish Records Indexing.
Radio Project FY 2003, 2001 January 25-February 20
This folder contains radio project materials.
Radiocarbon dating, early humans, human genetics, 1931-1975
Newspaper and magazine articles, handwritten notes, offprints
Re-Entry Process Proposal (7/1996 - 1999), 1996 July-1999 March 18
This folder contains notes and drafts of proposals dealing with the re-entry process for Women's College Students.
Re-Organization 2005, 5/2005 - 8/2005, 2005 May-August
This folder contains files related to the Reorganization of TWC in 2005.