Notes (Documents)
Found in 1173 Collections and/or Records:
Commencement Date and Formal Notice 7/29/04, 2004 July 29
This folder contains documentation recording the formal commencement date for the Chambers Center for the purposes of calculating rent agreements and other schedules.
Common Learning Initiative, 2005 August 2-2006 October 13
This folder contains ''Common Learning Experience Initiative'' materials.
Communications, FY 06, 2005 August-December
This folder contains files pertaining to the Alumnae Association's newsletters and some promotional materials for the fiscal year of 2006.
Community College Initiative, 2002 December 9-2003 February 17
This folder contains materials pertaining to an intiative to collaborate with area community colleges.
Community Guidelines, 2006 January 13
This folder contains documents pertaining to the community guidelines of the Women's College. Among the policies are mentions made of guidelines concerning food, guests, the honor code, and how the listserv should be used.
Completion Management, Chambers Center, 2004 April-2006 March
This folder contains documents pertaining to the completion of the Chambers Center.
Construction Meetings 1-15, Mar 2003 - June 2003Construction Meetings 1-15, Mar 2003-June 2003, 2003 March-June
This folder contains construction meeting minutes and descriptions from March through June of 2003.
Construction Meetings 16-30, July 2003-Oct 2003, 2003 July-October
This folder contains construction meeting minutes and descriptions from July through October of 2003.
Construction Meetings 31-45, Oct 2003-Feb 2004, 2003 October-2004 February
This folder contains construction meeting minutes and descriptions from October of 2003 through February of 2004.