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Box 7: Administration, Committees, and Task Forces, 1930 - 2018

 File — Box: U171.01.0007
Identifier: U171.01.0007


Box contains general administration files: general administrative correspondence, mission and goals, a compliance review from 1978, information on contracts, dean's search materials from the 1990s, graduate student issues, the dean's quarterly meeting with staff, an organization chart, and records management. There are also general communications, forms, memos, etc. concerning the university libraries; many of these records have duplicates in other boxes. The committees and task forces include a file of general reports, assorted meeting minutes from committees and department heads; a facilitation workshop for embedded teams; the Ad Hoc Scienc-Engineering Committee, the Administrative Committee; the Book Selection Committee; the Graduate Assistantship Committee; the Holiday Closures Committee; the Library Advisory and Liason Groups; the Library Appeals Committee; the Library Committee of Board of Trustees; the Monographs Team, the New Technologies Committee; the Penrose Library Review Team; the Penrose Research Committee; the Personnel Committee; the PR Committee; the Screen Design Subcommittee; the committee tasked with organizing Springfest in 2018; the University Senate, which includes documents on the library's involvement in it; the Web Presentation Task Force; and the Web Site Task Force. Files are arranged into three categories (administration, miscellaneous, and committees/task forces) and are arranged alphabetically within those categories.


  • 1930 - 2018


1 Items


Repository Details

Part of the Special Collections and Archives Repository

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