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Hoffman, Lillian, 1913-1996



Found in 7 Collections and/or Records:

Box 1, 1968-1978

 File — Box B093.01.0001: Series B093.01 [Barcode: U186020739263]
Identifier: B093.01.0001

(31) file folders include: Action Committee of Newcomers from Soviet Union; Anti-defamation League; Bay area council; Jews in the USSR; Multiple committee papers. The Union of Councils for Soviet Jews created massive lists of Refuseniks and political prisoners in the Soviet Union (Prisoners of Conscience)." The Union and set up action committees in cities across the U.S. and began the "Adopt a Prisoner" program.

Dates: 1968-1978

Box 4, 1960 - 1995

 File — Box B331.03.0004: Series B331.03 [Barcode: U186026081155]
Identifier: B331.03.0004

This box contains twenty-one (21) folders with information collected by Lillian Hoffman.

Dates: 1960 - 1995

Colorado Committee of Concern for Soviet Jewry Records

Identifier: B093
Abstract Soviet Jews who wanted to emigrate from the Soviet Union were known as "Refuseniks." American Jewish students formed the Struggle for Soviet Jewry (SSSJ) in 1964 and the American Jewish Committee on Soviet Jewry (AJCSI) was also organized that year. Rabbi Samuel Adelman, rabbi of the BMH synagogue, spoke at Temple Emanuel and urged the liberal congregation to help Soviet Jews. Rabbi Raymond Zwerin, Sheldon Steinhauser, and Lillian Hoffman formed what became the Colorado Committee of Concern...
Dates: 1929-1996; Majority of material found within 1968-1978

''Fast for Freedom'', 1970

Identifier: B093.01.0002.0012
Abstract Materials related to the "Fast for Freedom." The first protest of the Colorado Committee of Concern for Soviet Jewry was in 1970 when 33 members of the Colorado group carried out a three-day fast on the steps of the state capitol to commemorate the Night of the Murdered Poets. The Colorado Committee was the first to commemorate this event and continued the protest annually. The Night of the Murdered Poets was the execution of thirteen Soviet Jews in the Lubyanka Prison in Moscow, Russian...
Dates: 1970

''Fast for Freedom'' Correspondence, 1970

Identifier: B093.01.0002.0014
Abstract Correspondence related to "Fast for Freedom" which occurred in Denver, Colorado. The first protest of the Colorado Committee of Concern for Soviet Jewry was in 1970 when 33 members of the Colorado group carried out a three-day fast on the steps of the state capitol to commemorate the Night of the Murdered Poets. The Colorado Committee was the first to commemorate this event and continued the protest annually. The Night of the Murdered Poets was the execution of thirteen Soviet Jews in the...
Dates: 1970

U.S. Congress - Mills-Vanik Bill, 1972-1975

Identifier: B093.01.0005.0016

Contains materials on the Jackson-Vanik 1974 Trade Act Amendment that in part made trade between the United States and the Soviet Union conditioned upon Soviets relaxing restrictions on Jewish emigration. The bill in the House of Representatives was the Mills-Vanik and in the Senate was the Jackson bill. Members of the Colorado Committee of Concern for Soviet Jewry pushed for the Amendment to prevent the Soviet Union from charging exorbitant fees to Soviet Jews trying to emigrate.

Dates: 1972-1975

Western Regional Conference - San Francisco, 1970 May 16-17

Identifier: B093.01.0005.0024

Lillian Hoffman's notes of lectures at the conference.

Dates: 1970 May 16-17