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Theis, Sandy



Elected as Secretary by Student Senate (October 1955).


Along with Evelyn Moore, they were unanimously elected as editors of The Denver Clarion and Kyneswisbok, respectively

Found in 1 Collection or Record:

The Denver Clarion, vol. 32, issue 4, 1955 October 7

Identifier: clarion_v032i04_19551007

Student Senate Elects (Jack Deeter as president of student body; Ken Furman as president of the College of Arts and Sciences; Sandy Theis as secretary. Class election dates set; Chairmen report. 1955 Homecoming theme is picked – “Sense and Nonsense.” KVDU is back – Jim Palmquist is the new manager. DU Enrollment climbs upward. Three names as finalists in the search for the “Apron King” – Sonny Moore, Paul Plath and Orville Duffy. Fall Ball on October 7, 1955.

Dates: 1955 October 7

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