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Young, Fran De



Deemed as a “Lovelie” by Clarion Staff – a candidate to be chosen to represent the DU Basketball Team at the annual Kentucky All-American City Tournament.


Named Homecoming Queen November 1955.

Found in 1 Collection or Record:

The Denver Clarion, vol. 32, issue 15, 1955 November 15

Identifier: clarion_v032i15_19551115
Abstract Homecoming revisited. The Chancellor and Queen Fran – Queen Fran De Young was named queen and coronated by Chancellor Alter. Chloe! Where’s Chloe? – Herb Hoard peeks out of the HRM Victor television looking for Chloe in the production of “Suspense” at the Greek Talent Show. Goodbye, Cruel World – The DU football player flushed the Utah Aggie down the toilet, as the judges awarded Lambda Chi Alpha first place for their house decoration. There’s Method to Our Madness – The Phi Kappa Sigma’s...
Dates: 1955 November 15

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