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King, Martin Luther, Jr., 1929-1968



Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. speaks at DU on January 24, 1964. He returns to speak again at DU on May 18, 1966. 700 students riot after the May 18th MLK speech, in addition to two junk cars being burned and a sit-in staged.


Marie Caruso, “King, Barnett and a Hot Issue…,” The University of Denver Clarion, vol. 68, no. 28, January 31, 1964, 5.


Plans underway to have King speak at DU - week of January 21, 1964.


Speaks at DU on the topic of "The Future of Integration" May, 1967.

Found in 1 Collection or Record:

The Denver Clarion, vol. 71, issue 62, 1967 May 23

Identifier: clarion_v071i62_19670523

King Speaks Out at DU Arena; Says Don’t Study War No More. Annual Riots – 700 Perform “Rights” of Spring. Summer Session Set Up For Rights.

Dates: 1967 May 23

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